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Clover Finds Forever Home!!!

Clover has been adopted by her foster family! She is now part of an absolutely awesome family (Momma Dawn, doggie sister Stella, and two cats—Starlight & Stardust). Clover’s new name is NOVA. She is the Momma Pit Bull that was found injured near a dog park in Simi Valley months ago, before being brought to the Camarillo Animal Shelter. All For Love Animal Rescue (AFLAR) rescued her, and got her into an amazing, loving foster home after she got the medical treatment she needed. Shortly after we pulled her from the shelter, and she was happy and thriving in her foster home, we began to notice that Clover was limping a little, and suddenly it became clear that she was having trouble walking without pain. AFLAR immediately had her assessed at the vet and took X-rays which confirmed that she had torn cranial cruciate ligaments (ACL in humans) in both knees, in addition to a tear of the meniscus. AFLAR started an urgent fundraiser to raise $2,400 for the surgery that was absolutely critical to repair all the damage, and ensure she could live a long, happy life, free of pain. All of us at AFLAR live for these miraculous, beautiful, heart-warming stories and happy endings. They give us joy, inspiration, strength, and faith—and help remind us that together, we can save many precious lives and make a difference in this world of ours.

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