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Ralph Finds Forever Home! 😃

We have waited a long time for this news. Ralph is adopted!!! He has found his forever home with the Ham family in Ventura, where he will be the center of attention. Ralph literally handpicked this family. They came to his foster home to meet another dog, but for Ralph it was love at first sight. He followed them everywhere, sat on their feet and gave multiple kisses. The Ham's realized they had been "chosen" and were honored to be Ralph's forever family—just what this lover boy has been longing for! Many of you know of Ralph's journey. He has been in two foster homes and a couple of adoptions, none of which worked out because of his wandering ways. He is such a people lover, to the max. He was just looking for a family who would be around to love him daily, and take him on adventures. Fortunately, he has found this and more, in this lovely family of four who all shower him with love. He is walked twice daily, and goes out for adventures to the park, downtown Ventura, and is hanging with friends all the time. AFLAR is over the moon happy for Ralph, and we wish our precious boy the most wonderful life in his forever home, at last!

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